
任何学生, faculty or 工作人员 who wishes to park on college property (including east campus) must register their vehicle and display a current parking permit. 这包括通勤者、五年级学生、东校区居民和实习教师.

学生不得在吉丁斯环岛停车, 爪圈, 安德森西, 医院很多, 会堂, or other lots identified by signage as faculty/工作人员 between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Friday.


把车停在城市街道上的合法停车位也是一种选择, but beware that on Dudley Avenue and Clayton Avenue there are reserved residential spaces that are not open to students. These spaces are clearly marked as tow zones with signage and are monitored daily by the city police.

消防车道内不允许停车, 卸货区, 标记拖曳区, 任何草地, 或者在任何时候在特别预留的空间,比如残疾人, RD, 或总统.

未经授权,任何车辆不得进入磨坊广场区域. At no time are vehicles permitted on the grass areas except as specifically authorized in advance. Driving or parking on sidewalks or grounds anywhere on campus is strictly prohibited without the expressed prior consent of the Director of 校园安全.


  • 安德森东
  • 艾伦/ PHA很多
  • δ
  • 安德森东
  • 健身中心
  • 赌博导航所有网站大全浸信会教堂地段
  • 汉布里克村地段
  • 蜀葵南
  • Kappa Alpha/Kappa Delta地块
  • Knight Hall东、西
  • 军事/杰克逊很多
  • Pi Kappa Alpha Lot
  • 拉克村地段
  • σ很多

East campus residents may not park in front of the Thomas and King Conference Center unless they are attending a function at the Thomas and King Conference Center.




  • 艾伦/ PHA很多
  • δ
  • 安德森东西部
  • 健身中心
  • 赌博导航所有网站大全浸信会教堂地段
  • 派克砾石地段
  • 蜀葵南北
  • Kappa Alpha/Kappa Delta地块
  • Knight Hall东、西
  • 军事/杰克逊很多
  • 南北军区
  • σ很多


All students who plan to park on Georgetown College property are required to register their vehicle (including motorcycles) with 校园安全. It is very simple to register your vehicle with our office and it only takes a few minutes.


All student motor vehicles (including motorcycles) must be registered with the 校园安全 Office. 你可以到校园安全处或在网上登记你的车辆 http://my.tilar.net/ICS/Campus_Life/Vehicle_Registration.jnz.    你必须有你的车牌号码,以便登记你的车辆. 如果你经常驾驶多辆车, each should be registered with 校园安全 and display a current decal (additional decals are free).  你必须每年为你的车辆登记.

Motorcycles and motorbikes are subject to the same regulations governing other motor vehicles. 它们不得在任何人行道上操作或停放. Existing fire codes prohibit the storage of gasoline containers in any building designated as housing. 摩托车在任何时候都不允许进入大学大楼.

Your parking permit is a decal which should be placed on the outside of the left lower rear window of your vehicle.

停车许可证的费用将记入你的学生账户.  贴花的费用应到营业处支付.



停车许可证的费用将记入你的学生账户. 贴花的费用应到营业处支付.

If you register a vehicle which has a state-issued Georgetown College license plate you will receive a $10 discount on your parking permit.   你可以在当地的县办公室申请乔治敦学院的车牌.

如果你有国家颁发的残疾人许可证, 一份副本必须在校园安全办公室存档. Students can only display a state issued handicapped permit that has been issued in THEIR name. Students who park in a designated handicap space and use a handicapped permit that has been issued to someone else will receive a parking violation, 被拖走, 并面临纪律处分.


校园安全 reserves the right to ticket and/or tow any vehicle in violation of vehicle and parking policies, 包括以虚假名义注册. The driver and/or the registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for violation(s) of College vehicle and parking regulations, 包括适当的罚款, 拖费用, 相关的指控和可能的纪律处分. Make sure you inform any relative or friend who may use your vehicle about parking guidelines. 这包括在哪里合法停车,以避免停车传票.


If you park in a spot not authorized by your permit, you are a candidate for a parking citation. These citations can be costly; the following is a list of parking violations and fines.

无法显示当前贴花 $50
把车停在残疾人专用车位上 $75
在保留的或限制的区域内停车 $40
在地面/人行道上开车/停车 $40
把车停在消防车道上 $40
停车不当(超线,不在车位内) $20
当前贴花显示不当 $20

拖车费和扣押费用甚至更高. 罚款在位于海堡大厅的商务办公室支付. There will be a $5 reduction in the total fine for all tickets paid within 2 business days.


Students who feel their car has been unfairly ticketed have the right to file an appeal with the 校园安全 Office within 5 business days. 由教员组成的申诉委员会, 工作人员, 学生们每月开会审查停车申诉.


停车罚单申诉提交给校园安全办公室. In order for your appeal to be considered an appeal form must be completed giving a written explanation of circumstances. 停车传票副本也必须附在上诉表格上. When you file an appeal you do not need to pay any portion of the fine until after you have been notified of the committee’s decision.


Students who have filed an appeal will receive a letter informing them of the committee’s decision. Students who are informed that their appeal has been denied or amended will still have the opportunity to receive a $5 reduction in the total fine. However, the fine must be paid in full and within 2 days from receipt of the notification letter.


  • All parking areas owned by Georgetown College require vehicles to display a current decal. 这包括健身中心中心和砾石地段.
  • 包括周末在内,每天都实行停车政策.
  • The City of Georgetown Police Department can ticket vehicles on college lots that are parked in tow zones, 火灾区域, 残疾人专用空间.
  • 如果您的车辆信息发生变化,请立即与校园安全部门联系.
  • Do not use any other permit you find or that you may receive from someone other than 校园安全.
  • If you loan your vehicle to someone else, YOU will be held responsible for any citation issued.
  • 不要以为其他车辆非法停放,你就可以这样做.
  • 不要停在黄线上, 消防车道, or any restricted areas with the HAZARD LIGHTS flashing; this will not prevent you from receiving a citation. 只能在白线之间的指定区域内停车.
  • Transcripts will not be given to students who have not settled outstanding parking violations. Seniors will not be permitted to graduate without first settling outstanding parking violations.
  • Georgetown College is not responsible for any damage or loss that may occur to a student’s motor vehicle/motorcycle or its contents. 校园安全 will assist you in contacting the Georgetown City Police Department to report theft or vandalism to your vehicle/motorcycle.